Tuesday Pause

Rolex Kentucky Three-Day Event – Worth the Trek


Article and photos by Kristin Shawd.  For all you spur of the moment adventurers out there.  This weekend is Rolex Three-Day Event at Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington, Kentucky.  It starts today with dressage (Thursday-Friday), followed by cross country on Saturday, and concluding on Sunday with stadium jumping.Yes, tickets are still available at rk3de.org and Lexington’s weekend forecast looks promising. For Saturday’s cross country event all you need to purchase is a Grounds Admission ticket, which gives access to the grounds, the International Trade Fair and the Kentucky Horse Park.  For dressage and stadium jumping (today, Friday and Sunday), be sure to purchase Reserved Stadium Seats in addition to the Grounds Admission ticket (rk3de.org) as you can only gain admittance to the stadium events with a reserved seat ticket.Last year’s weather was intermittent rain Friday and Sunday and all-day rain for Saturday’s cross country.  Did the rain keep fans away? Absolutely not! Cross country is clearly the most spectacular and popular event of the weekend, so it is no surprise that soggy conditions do not keep spectators away…it just adds to the adventure.  But you will want to consider the weather and dress appropriately![Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”12″ gal_title=”rk3de full jump”]

For Saturday, be prepared to be on you feet for most of the day or you can bring a chair along and spend hours watching from your favorite spot. My personal recommendation, if you’re mobility is not restricted, is to wander the course and see as many fences as possible.[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”7″ gal_title=”rk3de”]

If you’ve never been before and these pictures stir even the faintest interest within you, then I’m talking to you!  If you can’t make it this year, put it on your calendar for next year.But, if your immediate schedule allows and you consider yourself a spontaneous spirit (and you live within driving distance), why not grab a friend, buy tickets on-line, hop in the car, and make your way there? I believe you’ll be glad you did.What can you expect? Of course you’ll see topnotch horses that are as beautiful as they are athletic and yes, world-class riding. There are also additional horse exhibitions that do not require Reserved Stadium seats.
[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”10″ gal_title=”Horse Exhibitions at rk3de”]

Like to shop? You’ll find all things equestrian at the International Trade Fair located in two sites on the Horse Park grounds.

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”8″ gal_title=”Shopping at rk3de”]

And dog lovers will see plenty of cute critters meandering the grounds with their owners…and you just might sight an adorable kiddo sporting a colorful froggy slicker.[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”11″ gal_title=”Dogs at Rolex 3-Day Event”]

So forget the yard work this weekend, hop in the car and head out for something far more exciting and memorable!

Rolex Kentucky Three-Day Event starts today and runs through Sunday (April 27-30, 2017).
Learn more at  rk3de.org.

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