Tuesday Pause

Tuesday’s Japan Beginnings

Sake Barrels

My journey of exploration actually began over a decade ago on Tuesdays in Japan where I lived with my family from August of 2003 through June of 2006.

Blogger Kristin (right) & Dutch friend Monique wear yukatas to celebrate Obon.

Within days of unpacking we were plunged into Japanese culture celebrating Obon – an annual Buddhist event for commemorating one’s ancestors. It was both a family event and a community event and served to break the ice among all the newly arrived expat families. It proved to be both the kindling for new friendships and the beginning of a great adventure.

Don’t panic, I will not take the time here and now to walk you through a detailed chronicle of our three years in Japan. While stories about Japan or reflections on our time there may come out down the road as future blog posts, I have no intention to start down that path right now. Instead, I will simply offer a small pictorial of the highlights. For those interested, I’ve added a larger Japan gallery of pictures that will continue to grow as I pull more images from my image archives.

Ginkaku-ji (Silver Pavilion) in Kyoto, Japan

Famous landmarks in Osaka & Kyoto, Japan.

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